The Standard SAP Solution for this topic is quite simple and straightforward. The Problem is that it has the prerequisite of the EH&S Master Data Data being available on the system.
Many customers, who recently introduced the EH&S module, have already implemented custom solutions based on custom data (the z-table solution).
When trying to show DG Data on SD Documents, you have to make sure following conditions are met on the system:
Master Data:
- Material Master Data (TCode MM03), Dangerous Goods Indicator MARA-PROFL should be set
- Dangerous Goods Mater (TCode DGP3):, There should be a valid DG Record for the document date of the SD Document, the validity area and the mode of transport dtermined by the route in the delivery.
e.g. The delivery is sent from Germany to Slovenia by road - the system finds the regulation ADR
(This Customzing can be found in Transaction
If there is no record in the DGP3 Transaction, it can be filled through transaction DGE5 in a system with EH&S master data available. Otherwise it can be maintained manually in transaction DGP1.
- SD Delivery Document: The route should be maintained in the delivery document
Customizing Activities:
- Activate Dangerous Goods Checks
- Specify Dangerous Goods Check Methods
- Specify Usage Profiles for Dangerous Goods Check Methods
- Assign Dangerous Goods Check Schemas
You can either execute the DG Checks on the SD Document or execute the output procedure for the relevant paper or IDoc.
There are customers who have their special master data maintenance. For example, some customers don't maintain a DG indicator (MARA-PROFL) on material master lever, the field for this is simply empty.
They should be advised to update the master data and make sure that newly created data contains it as well.
Other customers have to provide the DG Data to third party interface, such as transport companies or systems who take care of the SD orders.
A classic problem is the route not being maintained on the SD Document. This results in the DG Data not being retrieved, since each and every standard module from the already mentioned DG Check methods 'gives up' if there is no route.
Some companies will have their route determination customized and automatically filled. Others will be maintaining it manually.
The SAP Standard doesn't throw a message if the route is not maintained, it just leaves the DG Data empty.
This functionality can fortunately be enhanced. For example, a custom function can be created to show an error message or write an error in the application log if critical data for the DG determination is not available.
Following enhancements can be implemented:
- Develop Enhancement for Material Exchange Multi-Component Explosion
- Develop Enh. for Determ. Country/MTC Combination in Shipping/Sales
- Develop Enh. for Determ. Country/MTC Combination in Shipment Document
- Develop Enhancement for Country/Mode-of-Transport Category Combination
- Develop Enhancement for Editing DG Data in Shipping Document
- Develop Enhancement for Editing DG Data in Sales Document
You can check my post:
to see how to implement a user exit.
SAP: Implement a User Exit (Customer Exit) but How?
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