Friday, April 24, 2020

SAP EHS: Getting started with Mixed Loading Checks

Many SAP Customers execute manual mixed loading checks, which is time consuming and error prone.

To automate this process, they should provide customizing for mixed loading rules, which is regulation specific and can be switched on and off per sales organization. If the mixed loading rules are violated, a delivery split should take place.

In the SAP standard system the danger label is used as the segregation key.

There is a Sales Organization specific Mixed Loading Rule Activation.
The mixed loading checks in SD are executed by the Standard Function Module DG63_CHK_MLOAD which should be customizied as a dangerous goods check method together with the function module DG63_CHK_INIT_HEADER.
For the mixed loading checks a dangerous goods check schema (matrix) can be defined.

It contains the mixed loading checks and can be assigned to a particular sales organisation and delivery type.

After maintaining the Customizing for Segregation Rules, one example can be created at Sales Order Level.

The delivery cannot be saved because the mixed loading rules are violated.
The next step is to have a delivery split in this case.

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